Miyuki Brand Half-Tila Beads are 5mm wide and 2.3mm long and about 2mm thick.
They have 2 holes and are extremely well crafted. They have a very uniform size and color. They are sold in 7.5 gram packs that have approximately 185 beads.
CL = Color-Lined * RB = Rainbow * SL = Silver-Lined * MT = Metallic * OP = Opaque
Mat = Matte * GZ = Galvanized * CP = Copper-Lined * NF = Nickel-Finish
Lst = Luster * ML = Metallic Luster * CY = Ceylon * TL = Transparent Luster
Half Tila - Crystal
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - TP Pale Topaz
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - TP Dk Topaz
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - TP Red
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Smk Amethyst
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - TP Green
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - TP Lt Blue
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - TP Cobalt
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Crystal Luster
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - GZ Grey Luster
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Matte Blue Grey
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat MT Silv Gry
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Matte MT Copper
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat MT Grn Iris
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Dk TP Grey RB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Crystal AB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Lt Amth Gld Lst
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Lt Rose Luster
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Black
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Matte Black
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Matte Black AB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Opaque White
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat OP Yellow AB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat OP Orng AB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat OP Red AB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - OP Turquoise Grn
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat OP Turq AB
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - OP Turq Blue
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Mat OP Turquoise
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - White Pearl
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Medium Blue Iris
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Brown Iris
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Light Gunmetal
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Metallic Grn Iris
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Pearl White OP
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Antq Ivory Prl CY
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - Light Caramel CY
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)
Half Tila - S-Mat OP Salmon
(7.5 grams ~ 185 Beads)